Meres me broxi kai erotiseis
Perase o kairos, pethane allo ena kalokairi
Piso oloi apo to fortigaki tou xronou trexame san ekeina ta ksipolita paidia stis fotografies tis katoxis gia ena petameno karbeli eutuxias.
Tsouzoun ta matia mou, ta kleino kai blepo ti mana mou kai ton patera mou (ta misa mou xromatosomata apo ton enan kai ta misa apo ton allon , eimai misos omologos me ton kathena tous). Ta kleino kai niotho na mai kleismenos s ena zesto diamerisma tin ora pou nixtonei kai xazeuo to fos pou ligosteuei sta parathirofilla kai xano mia mikri eutuxia me ton anastenagmo.
Ola tha pane kala leo. Ola diarkoun poli ligo pia, san oneira mesa sti nixta.
Ego den eimai ego kai si den eisai esi. Marionettes, ksilina somata, bouboi eimaste giati kaneis de mas paizei. M aresoun oi eksipnoi anthropoid pou de peftoun stis pagides tou eautou tous. M aresoun oi eksipnoi anthropoid pou peftoun stis pagides tou eautou tous. M aresei na ginomai adikos mazi sou. M aresei na ginomai dikaios mazi sou.
Ebrexe kai auto to proi, nomizo olo to proi. Eblepa stin tileorasi tous prosfiges. Nomizo stin proigoumeni zoi mou prepei na imoun prosfigas, gi auto me ponane poli autoi oi anthropoid, gi auto de m aresoun ta taksidia. Akous? Oxi alla takdidia.
Ola tha katareusoun tora kai go tha tous to epitrepso. Kateba na pame me ta podia. Bale mesa thanato gia na gineis athanatos autes tis paraksenes meres. Meres ligo foteines ligo skoteines ligo kries ligo zestes. Meres gia na zoume kai na taksideuoume meta idia oneira. Isos mia mera xasoume kathe alitheia pou exoume. Isos ola mas ta dakria. Gi auto mia teleia ston kosmo as baloume. Mia teleia ego kai o allos mou eautos. Mia teleia ego kai o kosmos giro. Mia anasa mesa sto xeimona pou ksekinise simera na paroume, na klepsoume kai duo tsampia stafilia gia to dromo.
Ston ateleioto dromo diabazo kato apo to dentro tis zois mou.
Apogeuma thlipsis kai kaneis na me sosei, kaneis de thelo na me sosei.
Diatazo ta filla na pesoun gia na me skepasoun, diatazo ta tin omorfia na epistrepsei.
I omorfia me akolouthei, me parakolouthei, thelei na me ekdikithei, thelei na ti do san amartia. I omorfia mesa stin tosi asximia, mesa stin tosi asximia pou exo mesa mou karfomeni, I omorfia sto edafio me ta logia agapis pou de katalabaino.
Koita tis floges sta stomata ton melisson. Koita to mauro meli.
Xthes mi anastrepsimos. Simera anastrepsimos.
Oi anases ftiaxnoun sinnefa.
Ta trena mou taksideuoun kai ta oria mou spane.
Apomakrinomai apo to kentro.
Eimai enas adeios axinos pou rota mporei i nixta na xoresei sto domatio mou?
Pou xorizei o ouranos? Pou enonetai? Pou einai ta oria tou?
Giati kai meis ouranos eimaste.
Piso einai o nous mou.
De kratao kanena xeri apo do kai pera.
Monos pigaino ekei pou eixame pei tha pame mazi
Ekei pou anthizoun t astra.
biastiki metafrasi apo ti kokkini broxi ( s euxaristo)
The time has passed, another summer has diedWe were all running after the wagon of time like the barefoot children in photographs from the Occupation; after a thrown loaf of happiness.My eyes sing, I shut them and I see my mother and father (half my chromosomes from one, half ftom the other, acknowledging each half of me to each of them).I shut my eyes - I feel as if I’m shut in a warm apartment as it gets dark and I dawdle on the light lessening through the shutters, as I part with a tiny happiness with my sigh.I say that everything will be all right. Everything lasts for so little anymore, like dreams in the night. I am not me, and you are not you; Puppets, wooden bodies, mute, because nobody wants to play with as. I like smart humanoids (anthropoid) who don’t fall in their self-set traps. I like smart humanoids who do fall in their self-set traps. I like being unfair to them. I like being fair to you.It was raining this morning again, I think, all through the morning. I was watching the refugees on TV. I think I must have been a refugee in my previous life, that’s why it hurts so much watching these humanoids. That’s why I don’t like trips. Can you hear me? No more trips.It will all fall apart now, and I will allow it. Get off, so we can walk there. Put some death inside you so you may be immortal in these strange days. A bit bright, a bit dark, a bit cold, a bit warm, these days. Days for us to live and travel with the same dreams. Maybe one day we will lose all the truths we possess. Maybe all of our tears as well. So, let’s put a full stop to the world. A full stop, from me and my other self. A full stop from me and the world around. Let’s take a breath within this winter that begun today, let’s steal two bunches of grapes for the road.In the never-ending road, I read under my life’s tree.Nobody can save me from this afternoon of grief, I don’t want anyone to save me.I command the leaves to fall and cover me, I command beauty to return. Beauty follows me, She stalks me, She wants to avenge me, She wants me to see her as a Sin. Beauty, in all this ugliness, all this ugliness I carry inside me. Beauty nailed on the passage filled with words of love, which I don’t understand.Look at the flames in the bees’ mouths. Look at the black honey.Yesterday I was not reversible. Today I am.Breaths form clouds.My trains travel and my boundaries break.I drift from the centre.I am an empty urchin who wonders, can the night fit in my room?Where does the sky part? Where does it come together? Where are its limits?For, we too are sky.My intellect is far behind.From now own I will hold no hands.There where we said we would go together, I will be going Alone.There where stars blossom.
"Άφησέ με να'ρθω μαζί σου. Έχει φεγγάρι απόψε. Δεν θα φανεί που ασπρίσαν τα μαλλιά μου. Το φεγγάρι θα κάνει πάλι χρυσά τα μαλλιά μου".